Cute Kids

this is the best thread ever!!!

I can't get enough of cute babies <3

these are some friends babies - they're twins, believe it or not!






eeek sorry that was loads....
throughmylense: The idea in the themes forum is to post your own work. Also the images are hosted by the photographer, so unless you have permission from the photographer, you may want to take them down.
Hey gang, thought I would include a few shots from my trip to Mexico earlier this year....


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Grass: That reminds me of Micah Kanters (zoom zoom kid) at first glance.

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Needless to say, this was taken at the skate park a couple years back... he's the cousin of an inline skater/skier on my site (actually behind him in this pic). I last saw him through this winter and he has surpassed his cousin now - to go inverted is a piece of cake now - and he's barely 10 if even.
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This kid was too cute. He was waiting and waiting for his mom to tell him it was ok for him to go and get some of the deserts. 7 yr old and fondue, not a good combo. I don't know what that tuxedo vest and shirt looked like after he was done.........
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Much, much earlier this year, I saw this kid chasing the ducks in a park. I never knew where to put the photos (taken at the fully extended 300mm zoom), but now I think this is the right platform. He was pretty cute, I think (scans from prints, forgive me the bad quality, please):



At a recent 1869 Base Ball game recreation.


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