Daffodils and the Willow


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Oct 16, 2012
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Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, UK
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Looks a little "tight" for the tree, it is sort of squeezed into the frame.
IMO you could crop a little from the foreground, but the main thing is - it should really be in colour.
Looks a little "tight" for the tree, it is sort of squeezed into the frame.
IMO you could crop a little from the foreground, but the main thing is - it should really be in colour.

Well I though about colour but I love the fact that the tree has less detail in B&W so doesn't steal the focus, if you see what I mean?
Looks a little "tight" for the tree, it is sort of squeezed into the frame.
IMO you could crop a little from the foreground, but the main thing is - it should really be in colour.

Well I though about colour but I love the fact that the tree has less detail in B&W so doesn't steal the focus, if you see what I mean?

Solid thinking, makes sense to me :) and for a BW version I think it worked!
I think the composition works fine, and there's a lot to like here.

Overall I find it too busy. The daffodil is a little bit lost, and it takes a moment to settle on it in the confusion of the foreground foliage. The river and its banks make a nice strong geometric composition, but then there is this other highly textured image on top of it. I think it works better the bigger you make it, since this reduces the busy-ness. Unfortunately you seem to have lost some detail in the daffodils, which becomes more apparent as you make it bigger,

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