Damn and Blast!


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Oct 16, 2012
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Ugh, after 10 hours of traveling yesterday I arrive at my destination and all my gear hasn't shown up yet. Damn UPS swore up and down that the package would be here last week.

Thank god I packed an umbrella, stand and baby soft box in my suitcase.
Out of state, I presume?
Are you saying it's not possible to travel for 10 hours and still be in Maine?
Are you saying it's not possible to travel for 10 hours and still be in Maine?

It probably is possible, but you'd have to be driving from one end to the other and decide not to go to Canada. It takes about 8hrs to get from point to point afaik.
Ironically I am in Texas. And I must say it is terrible in every possible way. ;)
Ironically I am in Texas. And I must say it is terrible in every possible way. ;)

If you're in Houston, check out the zoo. My uncle builds exhibits there.

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