Dancing in The Field


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 29, 2012
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Timmins, Ontario, Canada
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Hi there guys! Here is my recent shoot with my 70-200mm f/2.8 II. I worked with the available light outside, couldn't use my flashes. C&C welcomed. Though not too noticeable, sorry for the watermark, pulled from Facebook






Thanks for looking! :)
I really like them. Number 1 is my favourite.
C&C per req:

1. I like the pose here, but I think it might have been even stronger if you'd moved slightly to the left so that it was an almost straight-on profile shot, and I'm not sure that monochrome really works here. It's not bad, but I think given how similar so many of the ones are, colour is the way to.

2. Not a feminine pose! I'm also not fond of the cropped ankles; there's really no reason not to open up a little and include "all of her", but if you absolutely couldn't, then crop a little higher.

3. Nice expression and lighting, but again too tight. NEVER crop a limb on its longitudal axis.

4. Very nice.

5. Wonderful expression, good exposure, BUT again, the crop makes her look like an amputee!

Overall it's a nice set, but I'm not really sure I understand the choice of locations. It doesn't really seem to suit the subject matter.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

Love #1 and #5. Although, #2 looks VERY uncomfortable with all the dry grass and stuff that she's sitting on.
lol, #2 was my favorite from this set. Just seems she's naturally comfortable in this image.
I like the last one. Good capture. Pose is nice.
I would have liked to have seen her knees in #5. Just a little further out would have been nicer.

Dance technique wise, her front foot during her leap looks freaky! It looks like you missed the peak of the leap (like when she is in full split).
I'd like number one better if she had a longer toe point, but that's a dancers technical thing... I was a gymnast. I also wish you were a little zoomed out so you can see her leap height a little better.

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