Dilemma... what to do next (equipment)?


TPF Noob!
Aug 14, 2017
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Hello. I will try shortly. I have been photographing for a year. I am shooting with the Olympus EM10 II and with the Olympus 12-40 PRO. Super equipment, however, I focus mainly on portraits and unfortunately in this respect such a combo is pretty average (at the beginning of the adventure I did not know what kind of photography I would like to take so I bought a fairly universal lens). But apart from portraits I really like shooting outdoor too, I travel a lot, fortunately for that matter 12-40 is awesome for me. I'm missing in the background blur in portraits, the 3d pop effect ... I know that M43 is hard to be compared to full frames or apsc in this respect, hence my dilemma. I would like to make really high quality portraits - really, really top notch. Although I am a little experienced photographer, I know that I do a good job and I care about the best possible picture quality. In what direction to go now?

There are so many options that I do not know what to do ... buy Leica Nocticron 42.5 1.2? Or maybe Olympus 75 1.8? Or maybe change the system to Sony A7II and buy the Sony FE 85 1.8? Or maybe adapters and buy Canon L series 50mm 1.2 for the Olymus body? Then the equivalent of 100mm would probably be quite good ... only the price would be the same as the Nocticron... so does it make any sense?

I do not know what to do anymore. Please give me some advice. If I sold the entire Olympus set with extras and added some savings, I would have approximately 2,500 dollars (I live in Poland so the prices differ here) for the hardware and for that I would like to do some amazing portraits and at least very good landscapes.

Thank you in advance for your help.
It sounds like you understand all the issues involved so I'm not sure we can be much help. I personally would keep the M43 camera with the 12-40 lens for travel and outdoors because it is small and light. Then I would add another system with a larger sensor for the portraits. I personally would avoid the Sony full frame E-mount line because the available lenses are too costly, and because of the Star Eater problem since I like to shoot stars. But that's just me.
75mm f/1.8 for the portraits :D
Buy a used Canon 5D or 5D Mak II. Why? Because those are full-frame, for shallow DOF, and would give you
the ability to adapt many legacy lenses to a d-slr. CANON is the best d-slr brand for adapted lenses! Above:Canon 5D "classic" with w8mm f/2.8 Olympus OM lens on camera; Vivitar 55mm f/2.8 1:1 macro lens; Asahi m42 mount 200mm f/4 and 135mm f/3.5 lenses. I bought all four of the above lenses for $150.

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