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Do you love beer....

The cost to make a 5 gallon homebrew works out to be about half of what a craft beer would be if bought at a store (6 or 12 packs). The equipment isn't to expensive, a person could have a killer setup for $800.00. That includes a freezer (Walmart) to store your 3 kegs ;) After you factor in the time and labor (3-4 hrs) from starting the brew to the finish and its ready, buying it is probably cheaper.

...but you just have to love a good homebrew...
True that!

If you want to shop for supplies, this is a good place to start, MidWest Supplies.

You can get the keg setup other places a little bit cheaper. I bought all my supplies from Midwest so I didn't have to deal with shipping from a couple different companies.
The cost to make a 5 gallon homebrew works out to be about half of what a craft beer would be if bought at a store (6 or 12 packs). The equipment isn't to expensive, a person could have a killer setup for $800.00. That includes a freezer (Walmart) to store your 3 kegs ;) After you factor in the time and labor (3-4 hrs) from starting the brew to the finish and its ready, buying it is probably cheaper.

True that!

If you want to shop for supplies, this is a good place to start, MidWest Supplies.

You can get the keg setup other places a little bit cheaper. I bought all my supplies from Midwest so I didn't have to deal with shipping from a couple different companies.

I do all of my shopping at my local homebrew store (about a 30min drive) their prices used to be way high but they've come down to something competitive with a lot of online stores.
Hey wait a minute...I thought you were only 17????

As for me...beer is good.:drool:
Maybe I am 17 lol. I'm Polish so don't worry, I had my practice when I was a bit younger lol. Damn now I want to be at work with a Heineken in my hand lol.
haha yea but you have to watch out for the boss and/or manager lol. We have our hiding places (Can't tell you, it's a waiters secret lol. If i TOLD YOU YOU WOULDN'T COME THERE LOL)(sorry for the caps. didn't notice i pressed it and i wont rewrite it :-P)
I'm only moderately fond of most beers, but one that I love is Innis and Gunn. Mm, it's rich, like an oak-aged loaf of fresh moist bread. Problem is, it's a bit rare. There are only two places here in my town where I can get bottles of it, and it's usually $5 a bottle.

But I don't drink to get drunk, I drink to enjoy it, so $5 ain't so bad.
I love all forms of beer.

I've been meaning to get set up for homebrewing, but I have to get the money saved up and then talk the wife into it (she doesn't drink, at all).

My favorites are hard to find around here, but it's getting better. The town I live in just ended 100 years of dryness; you can get beer almost anywhere now, but good beer is still hard to find.
I'm only moderately fond of most beers, but one that I love is Innis and Gunn. Mm, it's rich, like an oak-aged loaf of fresh moist bread. Problem is, it's a bit rare. There are only two places here in my town where I can get bottles of it, and it's usually $5 a bottle.

But I don't drink to get drunk, I drink to enjoy it, so $5 ain't so bad.

Dogfish Head Burton Barton. It's my Moby Dick.

I've seen it once and I've been trying to hunt it down. It's stored in scotch casks. So tasty.
I love all forms of beer.

I've been meaning to get set up for homebrewing, but I have to get the money saved up and then talk the wife into it (she doesn't drink, at all).

My favorites are hard to find around here, but it's getting better. The town I live in just ended 100 years of dryness; you can get beer almost anywhere now, but good beer is still hard to find.

An entry level kit + the ingredients for your first batch should cost less than $250 it's about $70-$100 for a basic kit to start with say $30-40 for the first batch of ingredients and another say $100 (or thereabouts) for a turkey fryer setup to do your boil in. Mind you it's been a while since my kit didn't involve a mash-tun for all grain you can probably go a fair bit cheaper as you can bottle in the bottles from most of your favorite beers (unless they have screw top bottles). Truthfully brewing can be lots of fun (just remember not to drink the entire last batch (about 48-53 bottles of beer) with your buddy while brewing the next batch).

I know it's quite a bit of money and truthfully my first kit was quite a bit less expensive... Of course I started brewing doing 1gal batches because the largest boil pot I had was 1.25 gallons and I used little 4L wine bottles as fermentors (of course a gallon is only about 12 bottles) even then I produced beer of a quality I'd consider acceptable. I've probably only been brewing for about 1.5 years and I'm up to a 5gal setup with a turkey fryer and a mash tun for doing all grain (I bought the mash tun for $20 from a local brewer who was moving up to 10gal batches) It seems every batch I do the beer just keeps getting better and better.

If you're considering it pick up a book on homebrewing (say The Complete Joy of Homebrewing) read through the basic recipes and see if you think it could be fun.
Monkeykoder - How long does it take you to brew a 5 gallon all grain batch?

If I remember correctly, volume 1 on The Complete Joy of Homebrewing is posted for free to view online. It's a must read before someone begins to their first batch and a perfect reference book.
From setup to clean usually around 6 hours (mostly it takes so long because of the liberal application of homebrew) most of that time is waiting for things to heat up because my turkey fryer is a little bit on the cheap side and doesn't get a good flame going and I can't quite figure out how to get more oxygen to the flame I can't think of any cheap small METAL fans...

Perhaps you're thinking of How to Brew - By John Palmer A great resource by the way.
I like beer but dont love it. Now I used to love beer when I was much younger. I still have a couple every few months to clear the kidneys.
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
--Benjamin Franklin

Who are we to argue?

(ANd I need to stop posting in OT as Fight Club accidentally...)
There is no quote better or more historical then that one!! hahahaha
Beer? :scratch: Really?? Ick...it's sooooo gross!!! :confused: ...Don't know why anyone would willingly drink the stuff!!! :-P


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