Does this need a hairlight?


Watch the Birdy!
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Jul 8, 2005
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Victoria, BC
Can others edit my Photos
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From a shoot yesterday; Greg. "Authoritarian corporate management who's who board headshot". (Any other C&C is always welcome)

The exposure correction helped a bit, but I still think it could use a second light.

is that shirt supposed to be white? Looks a little cyan to me..

Was the background green or brown?

Edit on right (warmed a bit)
I went even brighter.. but you all know I like bright. I'm confused too as to the original shirt color?

I don't know why TPF thumbnails are so jacked up???
Not feeling this shot. That shadow being cast on his forehead from his hair looks bad. his pose looks rigid too.
The thumbnail is green. Click it.

yep.. better when clicked! TPF really does need to work on the colors.. I notice a lot of stuff that is off! And sometimes it is actually TPF, and not the way it was shot! One reason I never post with thumbnails...
Underexposed. WB off. Lighting needs some adjustments. Just my $0.02.
The exposure correction helped a bit, but I still think it could use a second light.
Exposure and WB are fine on the high res; a combination of the quick & dirty image resizer I used and TPFs image processing killed them. I'm leaning that way too towards a second light for sure.

John,is that shirt supposed to be white? Looks a little cyan to me..
Was the background green or brown? Edit on right (warmed a bit)
The shirt is pure white. The backbround was a friggin' gawd-awful ugly yellow/mustard.

I went even brighter.. but you all know I like bright. I'm confused too as to the original shirt color?
Yeah, that one doesn't look quite ripe... ;)

Not feeling this shot. That shadow being cast on his forehead from his hair looks bad. his pose looks rigid too.
The shadow (which I completely missed first time around, thanks!) is really bothering me, but the pose is deliberate; the whole idea was superiority and power projection.

Underexposed. WB off. Lighting needs some adjustments. Just my $0.02.
How so?

Thanks everyone! That hair shadow definitely has to go - as for the WB & exposure, they're fine on the high res but they sure didn't translate well into the reduced version. The pose was deliberately stiff with the intention being to project an air of authority and "You work for me peon!"
Not feeling this shot. That shadow being cast on his forehead from his hair looks bad. his pose looks rigid too.
The shadow (which I completely missed first time around, thanks!) is really bothering me, but the pose is deliberate; the whole idea was superiority and power projection.

Im not getting that. Im getting rigid and uncomfortable in front of the camera. This is a pretty decent looking guy with good strong features to begin with. He needs to be projecting confidence. And people who are confident look relaxed because they know what they are doing and how to take care of business.

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