Dont it make you crazy


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2006
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in the middle of north carolina
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when the cameras you used to make a living, and considered state of th art, are now considered vintage.

I consider vintage 1930 or maybe pre ww2 and earlier, but I see references to mamiya 330 and rollie as vintage. My god I remember shooting my first wedding with a rolliecord. As a matter of fact it is worth the same thing now as when I bought it used in 1968.

Anyway I find it interesting... I guess it's like what age do you consider people old.
mysteryscribe said:
when the cameras you used to make a living, and considered state of th art, are now considered vintage.

I consider vintage 1930 or maybe pre ww2 and earlier, but I see references to mamiya 330 and rollie as vintage. My god I remember shooting my first wedding with a rolliecord. As a matter of fact it is worth the same thing now as when I bought it used in 1968.

Anyway I find it interesting... I guess it's like what age do you consider people old.

Yeah, not even mentioning the Canon A1 series of 20+ years ago. They go as 'collectible' now.:roll:

Well, one would say a real 'collectible/antique camera' should be at least 50 years unless, of course, comes from a very small run or is a prototype. Alas, not all 50+ years cameras are collectible, for the box cameras of yesteryear are a dime a dozen. I still have a nice Zeiss Baby Tengor metal box camera from the 30s which I don't consider it highly collectible by any means.

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