Don't post pictures of your own kids


TPF Noob!
Mar 15, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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Okay, here is my rant for the day.

Please, don't post pictures of your children for C&C. They are never good, and I feel really bad critiquing them.

When you are photographing you own children, you become photo-stupid. Everything you know goes out the window and the only thing you are concerened about is recording that "OMG... look at how cute he is talking on the phone to grandma" (I use that as an example because just last night, I shot 35 pictures of that very thing) adorable picture. All you see is how adorable your child is.... never mind that the lighting is wrong, the DOF is wrong, the focus is wrong, the rule of thirds has been violated, and that your husband can be clearly seen in his stained whitey-tighties in the background.

If you here at this site to become more serious about photography, and really want to learn more, you are doing yourself a serious injustice by posting pictures of your own children. Nobody is going to be brutally honest with you, and even if they are, you are just going to ignore them anyway because, "how could it be possible to take a bad picture of cute little Suzy". If you really want to get better, the emotion you have with the subject is doing nothing but holding you back. And if you are here just to have people say how cute your kid is... you are probably better off staying with Facebook.
Um yah............. you are aware that this argument would be valid for almost any subject that the photographer has some form of emotional attachment to - including any photograph that they have taken?

Some people can take critical comments and others can't - just as some people have a skill with working critical comments and advice and others are hopeless at giving it (yes the advice might be right but delivery of said advice also has to be correct for it to be recieved ;))
Um yah............. you are aware that this argument would be valid for almost any subject that the photographer has some form of emotional attachment to

Absolutly, but the subject line for the thread didn't have enough room to type "or your dog, or your cat, or your wife, or your girlfriend, or your mom or your dad, or your college roomate that you fooled around with that one time but you were both drunk so it dosen't make you a lesbian"
:popcorn: for breakfast.

I prefer bacon myself :mrgreen:
but we don't have a bacon smilie:(

Um yah............. you are aware that this argument would be valid for almost any subject that the photographer has some form of emotional attachment to

Absolutly, but the subject line for the thread didn't have enough room to type "or your dog, or your cat, or your wife, or your girlfriend, or your mom or your dad, or your college roomate that you fooled around with that one time but you were both drunk so it dosen't make you a lesbian"

So the upshot of your advice is - don't post any photos that you've taken yourself - which then hits the site rules of not posting photos that you don't own - which results in - -- -- a photo forum where you can't post any photos at all :confused::mrgreen::confused:

Well maybe you could post snapshots taken randomly - but then again since we are all going "serious" we can't be posting snapshots can we;)
I've been lurking for several weeks. Fnally got the camera and am taking many photos. Looking forward to posting some for feedback, so I am trying to get my post count up enough to do so.

Sorry...can't buy your argument. I don't think one's own children are different from any other subject. It seems that *most* posters know what they are getting into when asking for CC. As in the "real world" some know how to take it, other don't...and probably don't ask for more., stained tighty whities...that is another story entirely.
Mo and I have gotten some good comments regarding shots of our wives ...

MrPink! posts some awesome shots of his child, along with others. Maybe you should just say, "If you're going to post a shot, make it a great one. One that's in focus, WB is great, dof is excellent, etc." .... oh wait, this is the Beginner's forum right?
I prefer bacon myself :mrgreen:
but we don't have a bacon smilie:(


Maybe a bacon emot should be added :O

Everyone's going to have an emotional attachment to their photographs--otherwise I don't think we'd feel like sharing them. Obviously everyone's going to be taking pictures at their own skill level, but you don't have to look at the thread. Art is subjective, and to each their own ;)
Um yah............. you are aware that this argument would be valid for almost any subject that the photographer has some form of emotional attachment to

Absolutly, but the subject line for the thread didn't have enough room to type "or your dog, or your cat, or your wife, or your girlfriend, or your mom or your dad, or your college roomate that you fooled around with that one time but you were both drunk so it dosen't make you a lesbian"

so according to you, I shouldn't post pix like these?? :confused:



or just when she's on the phone and I'm sitting there w/ my camera...

Flawed argument is flawed. Sorry OP.

Just sayin'.
Um yah............. you are aware that this argument would be valid for almost any subject that the photographer has some form of emotional attachment to

Absolutly, but the subject line for the thread didn't have enough room to type "or your dog, or your cat, or your wife, or your girlfriend, or your mom or your dad, or your college roomate that you fooled around with that one time but you were both drunk so it dosen't make you a lesbian"

so according to you, I shouldn't post pix like these?? :confused:

or these .....???





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