Don't take the internet personal.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Aside from the comments and critique about photos posted on here, the debate that ensues and sometimes drifts down rabbit holes is often viewed as "trolling" or "mean spirited". More so than not, that isn't the case. Sarcasm and dry humor don't translate very well in text. When you read something that strikes you as mean or provoking, step back and try to make it read in a different tone. I think you'll find it harmless banter the majority of the time.

If you constantly feel people are attacking you, or the "mood" of the forum is mean spirited, take a look internal and stop taking things so personal. Speaking for myself, I am here mostly to have fun with like minded people. We talk about the same things, have interest in the same things (Yes, I'm even including all you Nikon nerds) Hell, we even look at the world with similar vision. But each of us have a different approach to how we communicate our interest. Sometimes we need to remember that we are not the center of gravity when it comes to social media.

Even if someone pisses you off just by seeing their name as the OP, you'd probably like them and enjoy a double soy latte with light cream and extra caramel drizzle at Starbucks while chatting about gear and techniques while an hour and a half fly's by if you met them in person. Let's all just lighten up and enjoy the forum. Even the moderators are hating life right now with all the complaining and arguing.

The bottom line is, it's the internet. You'll never meet 99.98% of the people you interact with here. Why on earth would you ever take them personal?

I don't always support the community, but when I do, it's on TPF.
Keep shooting my friends.
I'm sorry, but your post was just offensive.




Quick...somebody get some feathers, I'll put a bucket of tar over the gas burner I used for lead casting...let's rendezvous at 13:00 for a tar and feather mission...the tar oughtta' be good and hot by then!
Zip it Eric. I am sick of hearing your mouth running.
LIES! Being correct on the internet is the only thing that matters.
Yeah, yeah - that was sweet, by WHERE'S THE &$%* BACON?
I got yer "peacemaker" right here!
Well said. Sadly people these days are changing into a bunch of thin skinned wimps with a me me me attitude. If your opinion is different than someone else's you are seen as a bad person and expressing your opinion is seen as attacking or offensive.

I chalk it up to folks being spoiled brats who don't know that value of a hard days work. People who get handed everything and still complain about it. Entitled little ****s who were never told no and where never held responsible for their actions. These are the people who complain, who sue, who make life miserable for the people who are too busy working and taking care of their families to be able to stand up for themselves.

And god forbid you say anything that calls these things into question lest you get labeled as a sexist, racist, liberal, conservative etc... Or whatever phase that they want to apply to you to invalidate your opinion.

In summary, lighten up Francis.
WHATEVER!!!...sure are making the home team proud :roll::roll:
insert sarcasm here!

Aside from the comments and critique about photos posted on here, the debate that ensues and sometimes drifts down rabbit holes is often viewed as "trolling" or "mean spirited". More so than not, that isn't the case. Sarcasm and dry humor don't translate very well in text. When you read something that strikes you as mean or provoking, step back and try to make it read in a different tone. I think you'll find it harmless banter the majority of the time.

Ok, but that's pretty much going to kill all our knee-jerk over reaction traffic. Just saying...

Besides, I'm *never* sarcastic. Ok, well other than right there.. but other than that.. lol

If you constantly feel people are attacking you, or the "mood" of the forum is mean spirited, take a look internal and stop taking things so personal. Speaking for myself, I am here mostly to have fun with like minded people. We talk about the same things, have interest in the same things (Yes, I'm even including all you Nikon nerds) Hell, we even look at the world with similar vision. But each of us have a different approach to how we communicate our interest. Sometimes we need to remember that we are not the center of gravity when it comes to social media.

Wait, your including us Nikon nerds? Sniffle. What a guy. Nobody ever includes us in anything. Wait.. getting choked up here.. going to have to step away for a moment..

Even if someone pisses you off just by seeing their name as the OP, you'd probably like them and enjoy a double soy latte with light cream and extra caramel drizzle at Starbucks while chatting about gear and techniques while an hour and a half fly's by if you met them in person. Let's all just lighten up and enjoy the forum. Even the moderators are hating life right now with all the complaining and arguing.

Enjoy that phony sissy coffee? Not a chance. If you can't stand a fork in it, it ain't coffee. Besides, if I had wanted all that foo foo crap I would have ordered an ice cream sundae, not coffee. Sheesh. Say, this is getting a little long, can you bottom line it for us maybe?

The bottom line is, it's the internet. You'll never meet 99.98% of the people you interact with here. Why on earth would you ever take them personal? I don't always support the community, but when I do, it's on TPF.
Keep shooting my friends.

Oh.. perfect. Good job there.. lol
I'm sorry, but your post was just offensive.

Quick...somebody get some feathers, I'll put a bucket of tar over the gas burner I used for lead casting...let's rendezvous at 13:00 for a tar and feather mission...the tar oughtta' be good and hot by then!

Hmm.. 13:00 isn't good for me.. I've got a thing. Can we do like 13:45 ish? Maybe afterwards we can make smores?

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