Ducks and a Dog At The Park


TPF Noob!
Aug 13, 2009
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Rural America
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Went to the park with the boys and the dog yesterday to feed the ducks and play in the playground. Got a couple of OK shots of the ducks and a decent one of the dog. I'm starting to get more comfortable with the new 7D and am finding the kit lens to be less than great. Can't wait to get back to work so I can afford an L or three. (All these are straight from the camera, cropped and re-sized only. Could do better with a little PP but I'm fairly happy with them.)

1. Just had a snack, note the milky colored water dripping from his beak.

2. There's more grub here somewhere.

3. This gal can smell the grub but can't seem to find it. Didn't notice the bread on her back 'til I was cropping them.

4. We took Gordon with us. He really wanted to play with those ducks!

C&C welcome.
Great photos. I'm suprised the ducks stayed around long enough to take some decent pictures with the dog and all.
yea def get lower. will make the photo much better. however the photos are very nice looking already. the photo of gordan is right at his eye level and its looks perfect.
The bank leading down to the water was about a 10° slope so all I had to do was turn around and be at eye level with Gordon. I could definitely get a foot or two lower to shoot the ducks. You're right, that would prolly make them look better.
Fantastic shot the first two. Did you sharpen them?
Fantastic shot the first two. Did you sharpen them?

Thanks. No sharpening or post processing at all except for cropping, resizing and the border/watermark. And that's with the kit lens that came with the 7D. Not a great lens for sure.

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