Experimenting with Amanda

Village Idiot

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Mar 20, 2008
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Shepherdsturd, WV / Almost, MD
Can others edit my Photos
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I think I over did the eyes. :D

I believe that this was just lit with a gold reflector. I was using the Canon 15mm f/2.8 fish. Suuuuuuuuuuper sharp lens and who says distortion is bad for portraiture?

True, eyes might be a little overdone but it kind of works to draw her out of an otherwise pretty dark (and somewhat busy) image. With her being in the middle of it, the wide angle looks really good too; I don't think the shot would be nearly as interesting without it.
I like the shot, but the eyes are really over done. I also think the image is overly distorted, it makes her head look fat.

Ok, I was kidding on the second sentence.

I don't find any problem with the distortion, but the eyes almost make her look possessed! :lol:

Cool shot though. :thumbup:
the pic is superfine, but out of the great area covered, the blued eyes distract.....are they focal point?....they reduce the face value, which is focal point.
Wow, was this taken on Arrakis? :lol:

It is kinda cool, but I'm still not sure about the eyes.
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All your missing is lightening
I do not like the blue eyes, at all. I DO however like the way you've got the foreground paired against the far wall, and I really like the small bit of view through the square aperture Amanda' is peering through.

I like the visual interplay between the distorted wall she's positioned behind, and the far wall which is rendered with less distortion; I wonder how a slight dodging of the far wall might look, to further draw the eye to the interplay between the foreground "wall" and the far wall on the right, with its strong, diagonal,receding line.

I'm wondering if evil-looking bright RED eyes,and a new title like "Salem, Massachusetts" might not make this a real humdinger???

One of the better 15mm portraits I've seen in years...
I'll fix those this week, I swear!!

Thanks for the comments. I'm currently exporting and posting photos from a 4th of July party and for a company's picnic from this weekend, so my editing comp is a little tied up.

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