Family Portraits Take II


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2004
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Southwest Virginia
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Hey guys, in a continuing effort to try and improve my ability to do portraits, I subjected the family to more picture taking this weekend. I'd like to know if any of you see any improvement from my earlier attempt.
Here's a link to my previous attempt, which may be an unfair comparison, as it was b/w but anyway:

Here is what I came up with today:






What, if any, improvements do you see? What can I do to improve these? I know I am still struggling with shadows, but I think that has improved over the first.
Johnboy2978 said:
What, if any, improvements do you see? What can I do to improve these? I know I am still struggling with shadows, but I think that has improved over the first.

Yeah... nice improvement! The ONE thing I would tell you about this series is MOVE THE CAMERA UP.... at least to eye level. I know you will like the results.

Good luck!

Johnboy2978 said:
What, if any, improvements do you see? What can I do to improve these? I know I am still struggling with shadows, but I think that has improved over the first.

I don't know your lighting set up, but I see 3/4 catchlights in the eyes which seems a little strange to me. The shadow under the mother's nose is also distracting. Try two lights in front at 45 degrees to either side of the camera. Adjust the ratio between the main and fill until you like the effect. Also, use one of the lights as a hairllight to seperate the subject from the background. As it is now, mother's hair disappears into the black background. Hope that help some................John
It might just be the catch lights, but it looks as though your wife is pointing her head up and looking down at the camera. The baby's smile is absolutely precious.

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