Father and son - critique please


TPF Noob!
Feb 21, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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If I were to comment on this myself, I'd say that I need to spend a lot of time improving my skills with photoshop, particularly with burning and dodging. Does anyone have any tips regarding how I might do this, or improve this picture in other ways? Advice and feedback would be very much appreciated.


Maybe you could post the orginal in the Photoshop section so others can take a shot at it. I think I might be able to let the father and son stick out a bit more. I feel they are lost in the darkness a little to much. I think it is a great idea and concept though!!
Yes, it is a cool idea. And I also agree with the other reply that the figures get lost in the darkness. Have you played around with Curves in Photoshop?

Go buy a couple of good books on your particular Photoshop program. Then begin playing around with it. This is the main way I learned. I took courses, had help with it, but the books helped the most---and you always have your references when you need them.

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