Fifty Five

Bitter Jeweler

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Apr 27, 2009
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Cleveland, Ohio
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I think 55 should be in your sig.

The 55 looks sad. The picture makes me sad. I think it has something to do with the loneliness of the 55 or the rusty tear. *shrug*

It's a good picture though.
Does that number have significance for you, such as year born/age?

I ask that as the fuzzier 55 is years gone by, and the focused 55 is the present.
Does that number have significance for you, such as year born/age?

Nope. Just that that building has become a recuring theme.
I just laughed when walking to my car noticing the hanging parking space numbers...and there it number 55, right in line with the 55 building. :lol:
:scratch: Haha, what a weird coincidence. Very lucky one at that. I think this pictures great... the rust and angle of the Sign itself, and the building faded off in the background, but still you can make out the buildings importance to the sign.

I really like this!
I think this pictures great... the rust and angle of the Sign itself, and the building faded off in the background, but still you can make out the buildings importance to the sign.

I really like this!

+ :thumbup:
Quite the interesting coincidence!

I agree the photo makes me sad :-\
I like this Bitter. I like the way all the lines and corners intersect - the rust in the sign lines up with the edge of the building, the wire intersects nicely with the bottom curve of the fives on the building, the corners of the sign touches but does not interfere with the verticals on the building.

For my taste, I think the photo may be a bit top heavy. I think the square of the white sign could be another continued theme by using a square crop instead, and squaring off the top outcrop of the building with a slightly tighter crop on the left.

I'm not one of your fanboys.

I'll give you an honest critique.
You have my attention.

You've done much better than this.
Yeah. I've also done worse.
I posted this image to see what people thought of it.
I posted it here to see if anyone saw a way to make it better.

This is right up there with the tilt shift lens.
Some crackpot from California may find this, abstract and verse many reasons why it's wonderful.
Is anyone who may have a better understanding of art, or a high regard for it, crackpot in your eyes?
Then give you the same reasons green peas are interesting, or double yellow lines on a state highway.
Ah, yes. But you are giving us absolutely no context to your green peas, or yellow lines. Besides, just because you don't *get* something, doesn't negate everyone elses opinion. Also, this image is not abstract. It is quite representative.

This isn't an insult. I've seen your work and admire some of it.
This thing......some creation, isn't you. It's not a defining moment.
Does every image a person produces have to be a stand alone, defining moment? Would you say some weaker images may work in the context of a "series"? I posted a link to more '55' imagery. Wouldn't this series look cool in the lobby of, let's just say for example, the lobby of the '55' building? Would it have more impact there?

It's as bad or worse than my rule of thirds debacle.
It's worse than the tilt shift fiasco and that was pretty bad.
I agree completely. Your RoT's debacle showed how little you understand it. Which make your critiques questionable at best.

Now post some of the other stuff you have on Flickr. Some of that stuff is mind blowing.

I post images that I want opinions on.
This isn't , and keep your fanboys off me.

People who don't care for you, aren't necessarily my fanboys. :er:

Over all, I appreciate your "critique", although you just repeatedly said how bad the image is, without any useful points to back up why it does or why it doesn't work. :thumbup:

I like this Bitter. I like the way all the lines and corners intersect - the rust in the sign lines up with the edge of the building, the wire intersects nicely with the bottom curve of the fives on the building, the corners of the sign touches but does not interfere with the verticals on the building.

For my taste, I think the photo may be a bit top heavy. I think the square of the white sign could be another continued theme by using a square crop instead, and squaring off the top outcrop of the building with a slightly tighter crop on the left.

Thanks sleist for your suggestions. Feel free to edit the image and post your ideas. :thumbup: I will agree that it feels top heavy.

I do think I should try this same image at night, when the neon 55 is lit. I think it may have more impact thatn this image. Or perhaps standing on my car at an angle to catch as many of the other parking space numbers as I could, why still maintaining the proximity of the two 55's?

Here are two other views. The first relies very much on the viewer of the image being familiar with the building though.


I like this Bitter. I like the way all the lines and corners intersect - the rust in the sign lines up with the edge of the building, the wire intersects nicely with the bottom curve of the fives on the building, the corners of the sign touches but does not interfere with the verticals on the building.

For my taste, I think the photo may be a bit top heavy. I think the square of the white sign could be another continued theme by using a square crop instead, and squaring off the top outcrop of the building with a slightly tighter crop on the left.

I like it Bitter.....but I agree w/ the top heavy part and I also was thinking of the square crop! If you try the square post it up!

Your other idea of going back at night sounds kinda cool.
I like it, plain and simple I have seen yuor series on the 55 building. I have no idea where it is, or what that building does. I do love the shots you have of the building and the "critique" you got from kp007 wasn't critique. I agree with his RoT misunderstanding.

I don't know if this is what you meant earlier for other ideas but, try this.
Keep in mind I have no iea what the "set" looks like so I don't know the boundries.

Alright, Like you said wait till it's night, then, have a strobe or something on the parking stall number and the glowing 55 faded int he background. I think that would make a good shot.

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