Film came out blank?


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2014
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I recently bought a used Yashica rangefinder in perfect condition. I recently shot a roll of 100 ISO film set at 400 ISO on my camera by accident. I developed it according to 100 ISO developing guidelines, and the film turned out completely blank. Is this definitely an issue with the ISO accident, or is it something bigger?
Blank, as in it apears never to have been run trough the camera? Or pitch black? Big difference.

If blank, there should have been something on the film, underexposed as it should have been.

You may have a bum shutter that's not opening, or some other mechanical issue. Try another roll of film, properly exposed and developed.

If it's all totally black, then the film was exposed to light before processing.
The ISO errors should not led to completely blank film. Underexposed shots, yes, but you should be able to see something on the film.

Can you see any lettering or markings along the edges of the film? If so, you developed the film but perhaps there is something wrong with the camera. If you see absolutely nothing, just completely clear film, then it was a development issue.
Are your sure the film was advancing ? was the rewind knob turning as you advanced to your next shoot, you may have not loaded it properly
Blank ? Do you mean clear frames surrounded by black ?
As others have asked ... we need more exact details on what you mean.
What exact Yashica camera model is this ?
I've done the whole don't feed the leader properly thing. Is the film new? I had a roll of waaay expired Kodak 400 come out blank in the middle. Maybe it could be extremely expired too?

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