Finally picked up a 27-70


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Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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With the new version of the Nikon 24-70 being released, I was planning to wait a couple months for people to start getting gear envy and begin unloading their current 24-70's at a good price. However, a couple weeks ago Nikon had one of their sales on refurbished gear. With the additional 10% discount, I bit the bullet and picked up a refurbished copy for $1300, which is really only about $150-200 more than they are going for used! And I've never had anything but good luck with their refurbished gear. I still like shooting with primes, but for an event or travel, it's nice to be able to bring just one or two lenses and this replaces three of my primes when I need convenience, and still not sacrificing quality to do so.

Man oh man am I happy with it! I played with one a while ago, but I forgot just how fast they focus and how good the IQ is!

Happy "middle of the year with nothing particular to celebrate" gift to me!
Congrats on getting and awesome lens!

People dumping cheap their 24-70mm 2.8G, Pffff not gonna happened.
The fact there is now a VR version of this lens and maybe its a little bit sharper and a little bit better all around will not take away from the fact the original 24-70mm 2.8G is an amazing and outstanding lens.
Personally if I wanted to buy the VR of this lens I would get the Tamron version, its so much cheaper and almost as good.
Congrats on getting and awesome lens!

People dumping cheap their 24-70mm 2.8G, Pffff not gonna happened.
The fact there is now a VR version of this lens and maybe its a little bit sharper and a little bit better all around will not take away from the fact the original 24-70mm 2.8G is an amazing and outstanding lens.
Personally if I wanted to buy the VR of this lens I would get the Tamron version, its so much cheaper and almost as good.

Thanks! I generally agree with you, but there are always people out there that have excess money and the desire to always have the newest, best thing. As a result, even with pro glass, there will be plenty of clean copies hitting the market for a good price. I think it's nuts, but I'm not made of money! :biggrin-93:
Congrats on getting and awesome lens!

People dumping cheap their 24-70mm 2.8G, Pffff not gonna happened.
The fact there is now a VR version of this lens and maybe its a little bit sharper and a little bit better all around will not take away from the fact the original 24-70mm 2.8G is an amazing and outstanding lens.
Personally if I wanted to buy the VR of this lens I would get the Tamron version, its so much cheaper and almost as good.

Thanks! I generally agree with you, but there are always people out there that have excess money and the desire to always have the newest, best thing. As a result, even with pro glass, there will be plenty of clean copies hitting the market for a good price. I think it's nuts, but I'm not made of money! :biggrin-93:
Just like you I am aint made of money............................somehow my kids dont understand that :boggled:
Congrats on getting and awesome lens!

People dumping cheap their 24-70mm 2.8G, Pffff not gonna happened.
The fact there is now a VR version of this lens and maybe its a little bit sharper and a little bit better all around will not take away from the fact the original 24-70mm 2.8G is an amazing and outstanding lens.
Personally if I wanted to buy the VR of this lens I would get the Tamron version, its so much cheaper and almost as good.

Actually, I also finally bought my 24-70mm Nikkor a few weeks ago for exactly $1000 on Craigslist. Two Weeks before that I picked up a D700 with approx 12,000 actuations. for $700 on Craigslist as well. Point being, that its always a good thing to check around on CL for good deals.

This lens is amazing!
I saw the title of the thread and figured I'd stop by and say someone shorted you 3mm.
Congrats on getting and awesome lens!

People dumping cheap their 24-70mm 2.8G, Pffff not gonna happened.
The fact there is now a VR version of this lens and maybe its a little bit sharper and a little bit better all around will not take away from the fact the original 24-70mm 2.8G is an amazing and outstanding lens.
Personally if I wanted to buy the VR of this lens I would get the Tamron version, its so much cheaper and almost as good.

Actually, I also finally bought my 24-70mm Nikkor a few weeks ago for exactly $1000 on Craigslist. Two Weeks before that I picked up a D700 with approx 12,000 actuations. for $700 on Craigslist as well. Point being, that its always a good thing to check around on CL for good deals.

This lens is amazing!

Yeah, if you look hard enough and have the cash to jump on those deals when they come up, you can find them. But, for me I also prefer to buy from companies if the prices are close because you get more avenues of recourse if there is a problem. That bring said, I did get my 70-200 through a private sale and that worked out well!

I saw the title of the thread and figured I'd stop by and say someone shorted you 3mm.

I didn't even realize the typo until you just pointed it out.... Of course if I'm arguing about 3mm, I must compensating for something...
I didn't even realize the typo until you just pointed it out.... Of course if I'm arguing about 3mm, I must compensating for something...

I wouldn't quibble about 3mm, as long as we're talking about 75mm and more. But 3mm in the 20-30mm range.... eh, that's worth fighting for.

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