First Night Shot w/ D7000


TPF Noob!
Dec 25, 2010
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Hey guys. This is a pic I took a couple days ago with my brand new D7000. This is my first DSLR and I'm a complete noob when it comes to digital photography. I touched it up a bit using Aperture. What do you guys think? How can I improve?


/edit can I not attach flickr images here?
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post into thread inbetween tags [img ] and[/img ] (without the spaces between the brackets)

P.S for your first ever night shot, not bad at all. As long as this wasn't in auto ;)

If you're a noob, buy this -

Most of us swear on this book for beginners, it's like a bible.
There you go. I figured it out, thanks! And no flash lol!
You're not supposed to post Flickr images without the link back to the original photo page in Flickr. It's against Flickr TOS. Just wanted to let you know to avoid any problem if Flickr finds out.
Roger, you may try to do slow shutter speed shot.
If you're using Aperture mode, you can use low ISO speed e.g 100, set the WB for Fluorescent, Ev -3 or -5, exposure time 2 seconds, Av 22 or lower.
That's the setting that I used to my camera.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Please use tripod/monopod. That's more helpful rather than hand-held.
Roger, you may try to do slow shutter speed shot.
If you're using Aperture mode, you can use low ISO speed e.g 100, set the WB for Fluorescent, Ev -3 or -5, exposure time 2 seconds, Av 22 or lower.
That's the setting that I used to my camera.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Please use tripod/monopod. That's more helpful rather than hand-held.

Yes, I need to get a tripod ASAP. All my night shots have been hand held, thus they suffer from it. Thanks for the advice!
By the way, you guys that do a lot of night shots, do you alter them on programs like photoshop and stuff? Because I always see these amazing night shots on the web/flickr and stuff. Are most of those photos digitally altered? Is it a common thing for photographers to do? I always felt like it was sort of "cheating", but I am beginning to understand that it is a common thing among photographers.
By the way, you guys that do a lot of night shots, do you alter them on programs like photoshop and stuff? Because I always see these amazing night shots on the web/flickr and stuff. Are most of those photos digitally altered? Is it a common thing for photographers to do? I always felt like it was sort of "cheating", but I am beginning to understand that it is a common thing among photographers.

Running images through photoshop is not cheating, it's the standard these days. It's very comparable to recording and then mixing music. You'd never record a song in the music industry without mixing it.

Also when shooting in raw then you have to process on computer, it allows you to take that raw (no pun) brightness data and mould it into the image you had in mind. I hate the way my cameras processor takes my raw images and makes the jpegs out of them. It just destroys all the recoverable highlights, makes muddy blacks with no contrast and adds some crude sharpening.

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