First Photo Shoot! (Baby)

Spring Sun

TPF Noob!
Jan 22, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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Okay, please feel free to edit, trash, or compliment these photos :blushing:.
I have taken many photography classes, but not in a long time, and have renewed my passion and would love to some day (after I have practiced a TON) do baby/children/maternity photography professionally. Please give honest feedback, I am not fragile! Also, they did not have photoshop when I was a student (I am only 28, but go figure :sexywink:)
Taken with a Nikon D40x:


I like the tones used and the expression on the baby's face. I must comment about the first photo. Everything is great with this shot, just may need a little photoshop touching up with the reflection in his eyes. Very great shots, congrats.

I simply cannot get my little one to sit still or even look in the general direction of the camera. One day.
I like the tones used and the expression on the baby's face. I must comment about the first photo. Everything is great with this shot, just may need a little photoshop touching up with the reflection in his eyes. Very great shots, congrats.

I simply cannot get my little one to sit still or even look in the general direction of the camera. One day.

Thanks! I didn't even notice the reflection in his eyes. I am realizing more and more how the very subtle things are what makes up a good photo. I will always notice the reflection in eyes now, thanks!

How old is your little one?
Okay, here is an edit, thanks to my friend Sarah.
I think you did a great job, but on the first shot I would like to have seen the baby's entire hat and not have it cropped out just to complete the photo. The expression and catch lights are nice, but the composition bothers me slightly.
Thanks, I really need the feedback. I took it that way, so I can't undo the crop, but will keep that in mind. Here is the other one edited:

Not sure if that is an actual term or not. But if it is, I am a pro at it. I think that most of the shot I get with my 17-month-old are shot the same way these are. I always seem to compose a shot throught the view finder with the top of her head cropped out. Looks good at the time, but not so much after I see it on the screen, and then I really notice it when it is printed.

So you are not alone here. I am the worst for cropping out the subjects outside features when composing.

It is interesting though to get feedback on this forum and see how other people notice different characteristics about othere's images. My eye seems to be completely fixed on anything that would be distracting away from the subject. (At first I didn't even notice the cropping until it was mentioned)

Great photos though, you should be proud of them. The reflection in the eyes was probably unavoidable based on the light on the room. These are things that even a studio photographer would experience too, and would probably 'photoshop' them out.

Thanks for the post.
Not bad. Cute kid! The cropping does not bother me at all.

However, the one thing in the first picture that does bother me and I noticed it immediately was "Please clean that kid's nose!" :lol:
The crop doesn't bother me at all either. I don't think seeing the entire hat in this case would have made a difference. I like them both...the second one is my favorite though. On my screen it looks like you may have a slight magenta color cast on the first one.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I just noticed I posted this in the professional forum, oops!

Yes, I tend to cut off the top of their heads all the time.

I got to photograph two more children this weekend, I will post the pics once I edit them.

The hardest thing is that they are ALWAYS moving. It is good, in a way, bc then I can get more personal pictures, but it is hard to catch them in the frame without cutting something off. I have so many "almost" perfect pictures.

Yeah, once I get the hang od photoshop I will edit out the nose. Yuck. Kids, gotta love em'.
You edits are beautiful. But I also agree with Anita about the nose. It pays to catch those small details. ;)

Overall, nice job! You have really good focus and the eyes are amazing. Your second black and white conversion is much better!

Keep up the good work. :)

Great shots! I am just starting with children and babies as well and it seems like there is so much to learn, but you have a great eye. I loved the second shot and noticed a big difference in the edited version, especially the eyes and overall contrast of the picture. Do you mind giving me a few insights into the photoshop process to attain those results? It seems I often end up with an overly sharp picture, either being too dark or too light. Any info would be appreciated.

Keep shooting!!
That second picture is just darling! I love the little chubby cheeks and the look on the babies face! Soo Cute!
Love the 2nd photo, great black and white tones. It does pay to do a little work with photoshop (correct the nose). Although, thats a real minor issue, great job!

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