First post + CC


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Dec 29, 2009
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Raleigh, NC
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi, I just got my first DSLR (Nikon D90/18-105mm) and I've taken a lot of bad photos in the last week or so. I'm mainly struggling with composition at this point but I'm resolved to improve it a lot over time. Here's my first attempt at HDR. Opinions are welcome (without sugar-coating, please). You can disregard the Photomatix watermarks.


Thank you! :)

I like the HDR treatment here.

But as a side note, no need to post the full resolution image. 800x600 72dpi is plenty big to look at and review an image.
all that rusty metal, I feel like I need a tetanus shot, I like your pic :)
I like the HDR treatment here.

But as a side note, no need to post the full resolution image. 800x600 72dpi is plenty big to look at and review an image.

Point taken! :)
yeah that image was huge.

moving on.

personally, if you know you are struggling with composition, i think i would focus more on that, and getting the basics down than jumping into something like HDR (which will bring out a whole new host of conversations), and processing in general.

shoot til your fingers hurt. it's free. :D
shoot til your fingers hurt. it's free. :D

I know, I know. I'm just trying to figure out what I like. I don't think HDR really grabs me but I wanted to try it. I think macro will be my thing - just need the right lenses.

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