First sporting event C&C welcome

Photo three is the best one, looks like it was a pretty big crop. The other two could use a crop as well. The first one, a crop would help remove most of the busy background, I expect you will end up with a fairly small file size after the crop though
Great timing! But the backgrounds are distracting. I suggest using a larger aperture, if possible, to blur out the background.
I like number 3 except that you cropped out half of the helmet on the top middle player
Thanks everyone!!! All your advice is very helpful! Will post more soon!
You got some great shots!
It was hard as hell to get the hang of where to be and where to aim when I started shooting football. After you get that it's half skill and half luck and a whole lot of fun!
I think, in general, they're under exposed. To me, it's important to make the faces visible inside the helmets. Shoot more at f2.8 & 4 to lose the background & gain separation from it.
You do not always need action shots either. Keep watching after the play ends. Get side line reaction after a big play. Ask a player with his helmet still on as he leaves if you can take his picture. Focus on his eyes, fill the frame with his head! Get a lineman in his down stance just before the ball is snapped....etc. Fun images here. Keep it up!

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