Following your favorites


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 18, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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So I know this is going to go along the lines of something from Facebook or twitter. However, I was thinking I would be cool to be able to follow people on TPF that you like or are able to learn from when they c&c someone's work. I don't know if that is possible or even something worth trying. I just know I have found several people on the site whose c&c are helpful to me and without going to their profile I have no way of seeing their critiques. Just a thought or suggestion.
On your profile page, there is a place where you can "friend" people. Then you'll see all their posts on your "Activity" page, under the "all" tab.

You could also just click on their name, go to THEIR profile page, and view all their posts.
So if I friend someone do I have to wait for them to accept like Facebook? Or does it automatically let me see their recent activity?

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