Food price for 18-55?


TPF Noob!
Nov 7, 2009
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New York, NY
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I was thinking what my next lens should be I was thinking wide angle or macro, wide angle is more useful for me. I'm looking at nikon 18-55 vr it's $98 used at b&h. Is that a good price?
I take it you dont have the 18-105 that came with the D90? What are you looking to spend? There are other options that are more expensive but, better.
I'd think that's more like a downgrade don't you think? Especially if you ahve 18-105mm
thats not really a wide angle or a macro (the latter im sure you knew).

thats your standard (read: kit) mid-range zoom.
I bought just the body and the 50mm 1.8. Well isn't it wide angle because it goes farther back than what you see with your eye? I just want an affordable solution to fix situations where I'm cramped and can't get back away enough from my subject
you have to multiply any focal length by 1.5 for every lens you have, this way you'll know the actual fl you're getting through the view finder.

i dont know but for me it really depends if you feel you'll never go full frame or remain within the DX range for some years to come. for example im going to try and avoid getting an DX lenses above the one that came with my camera due to the compatibility "issue". depending on your ans depends on my suggestions.
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Well I've tried my friends 18-55 it zooms back quite a bit enough for me
qn is do you want proper wide angle or simply being able to shoot with enough distance between you and your subject?
Well basically I want enough distance. But now I'm intrigued about proper wide angle. I've never used a proper wide angle lens before
someone asked the fundamental qn already. how much are you willing to spend?
Not much lol under $200... Or $250.... I think 18mm would be enough
Look for a used Tamron 17-50 or a Sigma 18-50, both are 2.8 lenses and should go for around $300 to $350. Sounds like they would suite your needs.

I never liked the 18-55 nikkor (sold 2 of them). It may suite some needs during daylight hours but, Its lacking everywhere else. Meaning No Constant Aperture.
the sigma 2.8 is $200...
so im paying 100 for extra .8 f stop?

$94 seems like a really affordable solution, and has VR, its refurbished and good condition
the sigma 2.8 is $200...
so im paying 100 for extra .8 f stop?

$94 seems like a really affordable solution, and has VR, its refurbished and good condition

Humm, If you looking at it that way then.....YES! and guess what? Its worth it. (IMO)

I would only get that kit 18-55 if it were $50 to $60 but, thats just me.

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