

TPF Noob!
Dec 7, 2016
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Northern Ontario, Canada
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What do you guys think of these?



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All photos taken with my Canon SL1 (100d) and the 18-55mm Kit lens as well as the Canon 55-250mm Lens.
Thanks everyone!
Nice. Number two is my favorite.
The Arrowhon Famous foxes the male with his pick nose
the female and 2 kits got run over last spring
Very nice shots. Congratulations :icon_thumright:
the female and 2 kits got run over last spring

That's VERY unfortunate! I only stumbled upon this place about a month ago. I randomly took a drive down the road to photograph the Gray Jay's when one of the foxes walked over shortly after I parked my car. I typically spend my time in the interior of the park, moose are my favorite models.
Great shots, though I would have liked to have seen them as "wild" animals ... we also do travel Arrowhon Road a lot to get to the top of Mizzy Lake trail. Sad to know that the Foxes paid a price for our human intervention.
When my wife and I first started going to Algonquin (a couple of decades ago) we encountered Foxes that were weary of humans.
Great shots, though I would have liked to have seen them as "wild" animals ... we also do travel Arrowhon Road a lot to get to the top of Mizzy Lake trail. Sad to know that the Foxes paid a price for our human intervention.
When my wife and I first started going to Algonquin (a couple of decades ago) we encountered Foxes that were weary of humans.

I have come across various foxes within the park that won't go nearly as close to humans as the ones down Arrowhon.

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