Frustrating travel


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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All flights to Newark before mine this mornong were canceled but not mine. All morning I watched the flight status stay steady at "On Time" while all other flights got canceled so I packed my bag and cleared the snow off my car and crawled along snowy toads to the airport...I parked my car and checked status, again "On Time" so I made the long trek from the economy parking lot to the terminal going up escalators and down elevators and across chilly pedestrian bridges being beaten by wind gusts...I arrive at security and check my phone again "On Time"... I get through security and put my boots back on and gather up my stuff as I take one last look at the flight status app only to find a yellow banner over the new status "Delayed". Going to be a long afternoon sitting here at Logan waiting on the snow to stop or the wind to die down or both...
Oh no...

What can we do to help alleviate the wait time?? let's see, cat stories? Take a look at The Onion if you want to read post Super Bowl stories, couple of my friends were posting them this morning, good for a cheap laugh.

Hang in there.
Or there's hockey on NESN, is there an app for that?? lol They're replaying last Monday's games from the Beanpot before the 4:30 start of today's game.

Uh oh, realized I better check and see, but yes it looks like tonight's games are on.
Thanks Sharon. It's not looking good as the plane is not even at the gate!
Take the train?

Just between us this is a 1 night work trip that I'd just as soon have skipped but the big boss insisted he needed me there so here I am at the airport hoping for a cancellation!
Good, at least you're not trying to get somewhere fun! Hope it cancels or gets to the point you'll be able to call it a day and go home.
and we're boarding... sigh
My train was delayed 20min today.

using tapatalk.
Ok made it to my destination 6 hours after I left my house. I could have driven it in 5. Who schedules meetings in February anyway? Oh yeah, someone who lives in NJ...
Sorry to hear about the trouble traveling. Hope the return trip is better.

Did want to thank you though for giving me another reason for enjoying my retirement that started three weeks ago.
Sorry to hear about the trouble traveling. Hope the return trip is better.

Did want to thank you though for giving me another reason for enjoying my retirement that started three weeks ago.

Happy to help. And congrats!!
Bummer, was yours the only flight that actually went anywhere??

The Beanpot went dark about halfway into the first period. The arena had scoreboard and some low (auxiliary?) lights, about the time they sent the players to the dressing rooms the lights started coming up.

Then every commercial break my TV screen went black - except for the NESN Live (or not!) logo. lol And the sound and video were out of sync, finally they got it all working.

Glad you got thru it and I assume home safely.
Bummer, was yours the only flight that actually went anywhere??

The Beanpot went dark about halfway into the first period. The arena had scoreboard and some low (auxiliary?) lights, about the time they sent the players to the dressing rooms the lights started coming up.

Then every commercial break my TV screen went black - except for the NESN Live (or not!) logo. lol And the sound and video were out of sync, finally they got it all working.

Glad you got thru it and I assume home safely.

Back at the airport waiting for a flight home. Looooooong day yesterday followed by an excruciating 6 hour meeting today followed by another 2 hours of business talk during dinner. Ugh. I'm glad this is not typical for me, I usually work from home in my jammies or head into our local office in my jeans...

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