Funny Comments you get when you have your "big" camera

I always like it when people ask me whose equipment I'm borrowing, and I just say its mine. Then they look at me like I'm crazy for spending $2000 on a camera.

Oh and when I tell them that my D2H with my 80-200 only has 4.1 MP and there P&S has like 12MP's and then they say I should get there camera.
My father-in-law: "Well, I'm glad SOMEONE knows how to use a camera around here!" (to my mother-in-law) :razz:
I get people who clearly have never seen or experienced anything other than cheap compacts tell me, "boy, that looks like a great camera!", Me: "eh, it's alright".

I have D40 :roll:
I almost never get comments on my gear. (Which is fine with me.)

Occasionally someone will ask how much 'all that' costs... Some people are pretty shocked when they learn that the contents of my camera bag represent a larger investment than their car...

Another, unrelated, comment that I hear a lot is how disposible cameras "take the best pictures". I suspect it's only because they have no settings to mess up. People that think something you throw away when you're done with it "takes the best pictures" probably wouldn't know what to do with options like shutter speed or aperture...
I almost never get comments on my gear. (Which is fine with me.)

Occasionally someone will ask how much 'all that' costs... Some people are pretty shocked when they learn that the contents of my camera bag represent a larger investment than their car...

Another, unrelated, comment that I hear a lot is how disposible cameras "take the best pictures". I suspect it's only because they have no settings to mess up. People that think something you throw away when you're done with it "takes the best pictures" probably wouldn't know what to do with options like shutter speed or aperture...

Imagine them seeing the image on the back of the camera. They would freak :lmao:
i was at my brother in-laws wedding, went to the bar for a beer and got a funny look then she asked another person behind the bar, comes back and says we dont serve to the photographers, i had a d40x with an 18-55 and an sb600.....i told them not a photog just a guest taking pics
I got one a couple of days ago.

I was attending my fiancée's uncles 50th birthday. Having been asked to do a family photo I took my camera and my fiancée's cameras and a couple of extra lenses. During the festivities my nephiew (3) comes up and asks if he "can look at the pieces of my camera" referring to the lenses. That's not the funny part, I've worked with this little one on a few occations and even allowed him to carry my primary camera and shoot it so I was not too worried and said "sure" I proceded to name off all the lenses I brought "Canon 35mm 3.5, canon 28mm 2.8, Canon 50mm 1.4, Canon 85mm 1.8" I then asked him if he wanted to see what each of the pieces did on the camera? He replied with an exuberant yes, so I literally handed him my fiancée's SLR with the 35mm on it and asked him if he could see how much he could see as he looked around the living room. after that I took the camera and changed the lens and put the 28mm on to it and did the same thing....I did this for all of the lenses I brought with me.

Wile this is happening my fiancée's aunt comes into the living room and sees him with this camera to his face and just looking around. Her jaw hit the floor and she turns to her brother and asks "Is that a Canon" "Is he letting him handle that thing?" isn't he worried that he's going to hurt it"

The look of sheer terror on her face was priceless enough but overhearing the comments made along with it was over the top. I had a hard time not rolling over laughing.
i need to get a better zoom lens... everyones got those dang white canon monsters lately.... too bad i shoot sony

hey i shoot sony too. we gots big white lenses too! cept i cant afford em :( lols. damn kit glass :x


I have a Minolta film camera from the 80's which is clunky, boxy, and so obviously OLD. I was shooting a park bench/ sunset seen in the park by my office with the 70-210mm zoom when two "thugs" came up to me and said "AY YO BOY... Yo getta pitchaa of DIS!" Then he struck some gangster pose with his arms cross and head cocked to the side... I was like.. uhhhh.... so I snapped his pic to appease him. (WASTING MY FILM). Then, he asked me to see it... I said I couldnt show him... he was dumbfounded and confused by my statement. He simply said, "aiight... well... put it online tonight." Then left. awk.
I get "Is that big thing hard to use? I've always wanted a big zoom camera like that." almost on a daily basis. :lmao:
I just got my camera about 2 months ago and have got one comment so far. I went for a walk to a creek not to far from my house with my camera to try and get some pictures. This lady walks by me then stops and stares at me for a while (This was pretty annoying)

She then asked "What are you doing" and I answered taking pictures, she replied "oh" and walked away.
What's your problem?

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