Galaxy Vs Evolution (Soccer)


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 1, 2011
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Some Where In the Desert
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Went to a MLS game last night. Galaxy vs Revolution. I took some pictures and of course tone mapped them as I like the look. I also have the original no edit that I did and will post in the regular forum. Anyways here you go. I know many people will dislike these but I had fun with it. I know there are folks out there that also get a kick out to these types of photos.The Stands actual HDR -stands by VIPGraphX, on FlickrPopcorn line actual HDRpopcorn stand by VIPGraphX, on FlickrThe rest are all single image tone mapped. Shot these with my nikon 50mm 1.8G (I need to get me a 70-200mm 2.8)bechamtonemapped by VIPGraphX, on Flickrbechamcornertonemapedjpg by VIPGraphX, on Flickrgoalkeeper2tonemapped by VIPGraphX, on Flickrgoalkeeper3tonemapped by VIPGraphX, on Flickrgoalkeepertonemaped by VIPGraphX, on Flickrlink to original photos in case you would like to view -
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1 and 2 I particularly like because they look like illustrations from a book. The rest lie somewhere between a photo and and illustration. I also like the timing for most of the shots.
Man, if you didn't put (Soccer) in the title, I would have thought you were photographing two Android phones or something.

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