Geeerraaarrrgghhhhhhh WiFi


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 10, 2006
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Sodding WiFi keeps dropping like a dead fish and MSN keeps dropping and crashing and I can't talk to anyone and I want to go home but I can't as I'm already at home aaarrrgggghhhhhhhhhh :grumpy:

Lifes a *****
whenever my wireless fails, a beautiful blonde girl knocks on my door :p

... this is actually true! She is my neighbour and she uses my wireless signal ;)
so what your telling me is the next time my WiFi drops I need to look for a blonde girl running off with my interwebs
i've just came back from the computer shop with a new modem, but i decided to stick with one of the old wired ethernet modems because i was worried about it cutting off or one of my neighbours free loading

is this a common problem?
so what your telling me is the next time my WiFi drops I need to look for a blonde girl running off with my interwebs

Well, in my case she is not running ... but coming to my place :p

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