Getting a sharp iamge on 5d


TPF Noob!
Jan 30, 2009
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Dallas, tX
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
okay guys, here is my dilemma, I'm now currently shooting with a 5D. I cant seem to get my image to look sharp...more so flat looking if anything.

Let me me know what im doing wrong... What are my setting suppose to be set up at.
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Might be motion blur. What are your settings and what lens are you using.
24-105mm portrait mode
sharpness at +1
contrast +2
Saturation +1
color tone 0

Heres another one i did but this one is after the fact that i had to go on photoshop and boost up the contrast to make it like it is.
What are your iso, shutter speed and aperture settings?
make sure you're focusing on your subject in the proper place. i almost always have my focus point on my subjects eye. i've noticed if i don't use the single focus point focus point but just focus on the subject in general, i will get similar results to what your images show
i cant remember to that exact time...but i think i was shooting at anywhere from 100 to 400 iso. Shutter im thinking at least 1\60 and aperture was either a 5 or a 5.6
I don't think it's focus. I can't find any place on the image where it's in focus. That's why I think it might be motion blur.
hmm per heap i got my metering weight. spot or.....the other one...could that be a issue?
the fact that you linked these from myspace makes it difficult to tell if anything is in focus, because myspace kills image quality.

do you have the original file you can upload via tinypic or something similar?
You could get motion blur at 1/60 if you were not holding the camera very steady. You might try using a tripod or getting your shutter speed up to 1/125 or higher.
the fact that you linked these from myspace makes it difficult to tell if anything is in focus, because myspace kills image quality.

do you have the original file you can upload via tinypic or something similar?
Yes, the image quality is poor.
I would say its motion blur. at those apertures you should have a lot in focus.
agreed....see what you get for results for A. using a tripod, and B. bump up that speed as suggested. :D
I always shoot faster than 1/60 - and you should do too if you don't have particularly steady hands. If it is an equipment problem it's far more likely to be the fault of the lens than the camera body. Whack your camera on a tripod and test it out...

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