Good HDR candidate? Other ideas?


TPF Noob!
May 16, 2015
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Wichita, KS
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Hi all. This is a tree which grew inside an old grain silo over the past several decades on my grandparents' farm. I have not yet shot HDR before, but this seems like a good place to start. Any other ideas on how I might approach shooting this? Thanks.
What a great image! I love it as is! I would try all sorts of things on it, including HDR, and just see what happens. A few are bound to stand out to you.
Hi all. This is a tree which grew inside an old grain silo over the past several decades on my grandparents' farm. I have not yet shot HDR before, but this seems like a good place to start. Any other ideas on how I might approach shooting this? Thanks.View attachment 101681
Really nice composition, very different from the norm!
I like it already and can imagine HDR would be really cool.
Maybe remove some of the chromatic aberration in software, and maybe do a bit of shadow lightening on the tree trunk, but otherwise, wow, a NICE photo. Good subject matter, FIRST shot of its kind that I have ever seen, which makes this rare. SPLENDID time of day, with the shadow of the trunk and branches on the silo's interior wall a really wonderful addition. As for other ways....hmmm...I suppose going all the way dow to the ground, where the tree emerges is one possibility; another might be with the camera higher off the ground. But overall, the shot you have is very neat. Great subject, great light, mostly very good camera handling. But such an outstanding subject that it could easily,easily lend itself to a 4-seasons type series.
What an interesting shot! I like it as is and am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Like every one else said go nuts on this one.
I can see so many different possibilities for this shot. Try them all!
yeah, definitely a good candidate for HDR given the uh... high dynamic range...

And yeah, work this scene like crazy, milk it for every shot you can imagine.
I don't think I would even bother with actual HDR. I'd shoot another frame, exact same position (tripod required) a stop (or even less) darker, then overlay that on top of this and feather it off around the bright area in the center. You end up with a composite using the darker exposure for the sky, blended into the lighter exposure for inside the silo. Poor-man's HDR, as it were.

I've done that quite a few times. I might shoot a room with a window on the far side, and rather than HDR to recover the outdoors, I just use an exposure for the outdoors just in that part of the frame.
Wow, thank you all so much for excellent feedback and kind words. I'm still very much a novice, but I will absolutely try some of these suggestions, and see what else I can dream up. I'll post a few more shots to help give more perspective. It has been in "tree jail" for 40 or so years, and has just recently gotten tall enough to peek over the sides and see the rest of the woods.


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