Good Idea?


TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So, since my area isn't really huge and we're still fairly new here and don't know many people, I thought I would ask a smaller local church if I could come one day and take pictures of members (for free of course) and offer to print 5x7s or 8x10 for people if they liked their photo (or maybe even offer a photo cd if they wanted it and would pay for it).

I thought this might be a good way to get some practice and a good way to meet new people and possibly get some potential future clients? Does this sound like a disaster waiting to happen?
Might work out ok... people dress nice for church, probably won't be in too much of a hurry. Could introduce yourself and stuff.

I say why not.
I'd still ask for a nominal siting fee, to cover your expenses. Shooting for "free" might turn out to be quite costly if many people take you up on your generous offer. It's only fair that you receive at least some type of compensation for time,effort,prints, discs,etc.
Think phrases like, "Special introductory discount" or "Sitting fee waived with every 'X' prints ordered"
:D WELL! I was actually thinking of asking the church daycare to watch my 2 yr old as the "fee". My only other real option is trying to do it on one of my husbands ODD days off. He works for the federal BOP and his schedule is so screwed up. What sounds like a fair price?

I could do the photographing for free.... then charge for prints and discs, no?

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