Grackle, Cardinal and Hummingbird


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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These are a few of the birds from today, they are the ones I only got a shot or two at so there is only one or two shots of them.

Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for taking a look!

Male Cardinal.

IMG_0605-1 by Judi Smelko, on Flickr

Common Grackle

IMG_2061-1 by Judi Smelko, on Flickr

Ruby Throated Hummingbird (looking forward to some better light, on the one with the feeder the light was shining through it hence the red cast on him)

IMG_2105-1 by Judi Smelko, on Flickr


IMG_2087-1 by Judi Smelko, on Flickr
I like the last hb; I know how hard that is to catch. The Cardinal and the Grackle or nice also, but seem a tad underexposed. Maybe :)
Thanks Jaca :)
HB's are SUCH a challenge to get without using the feeder for focus!

As for the first couple, hmmm ok, it was pretty heavy overcast and soft light, I tried to maintain that softness and get the details and not bring them up to a bright light, perhaps it wasn't quite as successful as I thought lol
The cardinal seems really hazy to me; it doesn't look like soft focus, or even underexposed necessarily, just hazy, almost like something shot through a window or screen.
The grackle is nice; as much as I hate grackles, I do love those iridiscent colors.

The hummers just make me jealous. Even though I'm WAY south of you, I have yet to see the first hummer in my yard! All I can do is keep trying, but it's looking like I may not get any until next year, if then. That last hummer picture is delightful.
Beautiful! The Cardinal and the last hummer for me.
Thanks so much John and Brian :)

Sharon, thank you for the critique :)
All of the shots in this thread and the goldfinch one are shot from the sameish position, I'm thinking the issue with the cardinal is he was down near ground level and I was shooting through the wood etc... around the feeder whereas the rest were up top and in the light, I will revisit it and try to get the cast off of it, user error methinks! lol
Ah the hummers, they came back last week here but I have only seen the male(s) no sweet little gals yet. I'll tell mine to send some to your place ;)
Love those Grackles you have, the colours are incredible on these if you get the lighting right, very nice to see. The Hummer head on is unusual and great timing.

All the best Judi and those Humming birds you have, I want to see one day, amazing tiny birds.

Thanks Danny :)

Most people dislike the Grackles, they are quite the bully to be honest lol but they are soooo beautiful! I'm glad others also see their beauty :)
Ah the hummingbirds, they are the most amazing little creatures! You hear them before you see them! I hope you get to see one someday, they are fascinating!

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