Happy Birthday Antarctican


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jul 18, 2007
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WOOT!!! Hope it's a good day for you, eh?

I also noticed your age is hidden. Well played madam.

That's cuz Anty's ageless!

HBD ma'am
Heehee, thanks kundalini and icassell!!
(And great song/video. I'm surprised no one has ever pointed me to it before now)
^^^ Heehee, that's a new one! And I like it
Happy birthday!

Hope you had a great day anty! :mrgreen:
Happy Belated B'day Anty! I have been illegally detained by the local Penguin Police and couldn't make in time yesterday... ;) Hope you had a great day.
Thanks Arch and Dimitri! (And beware of the organized penguins....their aim is to take over the world. They can be easily bribed, however. In exchange for your 'sole', they'll do whatever you want)
Thanks Arch and Dimitri! (And beware of the organized penguins....their aim is to take over the world. They can be easily bribed, however. In exchange for your 'sole', they'll do whatever you want)

I thought they only took payment in chocolate :)

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