HDR timelapse


TPF Noob!
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Szamotuły, Poland
Can others edit my Photos
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Timelapse made of 722 HDRs (so 2166 separate photos) shot in 8 second intervals. Canon 5D, ISO 100. I used Photomatix for tonemapping, Lightroom for cropping and Premiere for animating.
Please tell me what you think:
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Cool video and I am sure it took a lot of time... But that vignette is just too heavy IMO. I'd lose it altogether.
This is awesome! It's all 3D and I think it's awesome that it transitions to night too. But is really cool, good job :)
Very unique thing to do with HDR, nice work, though I hope you had a good book to read while you were waiting ;)
Re- vignetting, maybe it was just your lens? The top corners in particular get noticably darker
I really like how towards the end the goal in the foreground begins to pop. You defiantly have to watch in 1080to appreciate.

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