HDR Toning. What is it?


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Old Town, ME
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So there is the option called HDR Toning in ps and I've never messed with it and have no idea what it does, but it does have a lot of sliders I can play with.

So today I decided to slide the sliders and I came up with these two pics. I tried it out on many things and it went horrifically. These two not terrible, to my untrained eye that is. Although, when reviewing, the second one seems too bright for my liking so I don't really like it. I kinda like the first though.

Does anyone have a quick read, here on the forum or elsewhere explaining HDR? Yeah I could Google it, but I'd rather sort through your input than a million random hits.


oh, and feel free to beat up my pictures so I can learn how to better use the effects the tool provides.

Thanks. Now I only have 1 link to hit, not work my way to the 3rd. ;-)

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