hello from Greece


TPF Noob!
Feb 2, 2011
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hello from Greece. i am Panos, i live ina a beactiful Greek Island called Agistri. i have a nikon coolpix 12Mp . i thought that when you have a digitak camera it is very easy to be a photographer. last summer i changed my opinion. my wife has a hotel and they had a group for workshops on photography and i was a guest. i had no idea before this. i hope that next summer i will have my SLR camera. sorry for my english, i am Greek and i am trying to write as good as i can
Welcome to the forum! Photography is only as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. There are lots of people here with a wealth of knowledge who are willing to help, review your work and answer questions. Don't worry about your English, it's a whole lot better than my Greek!
thanks mate ! i can learn you Greek if you can learn me photography:hug::
Welcome Oasis!! I think your english is awesome! My father was greek and my great grandmother would make me write her letters in greek when i was young.. I dont remeber a lick of it but I thought i would share that... lol..
wow ! great news! you confirmed that Greek women are the most beactiful in the world
Agistri, not that far from where I stay, Poros! :)

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