Hello world ;)


TPF Noob!
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Warsaw, Poland
Can others edit my Photos
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Everyone has to start somewhere, as the saying goes...

I'm Luke and I live in Poland. I've been taking photos since my childhood, but it was nothing more than just snapping moments with my mobile phone or a compact camera. A year ago I bought my first DSLR and started to treat photography as a hobby which would force me to leave my comfort zone, learn things I'd never come across and go to places I'd never bother to visit. The more pictures I take, the more I believe that it's not pressing the shutter button that matters - but visualizing the final result in one's mind, as Ansel Adams put it in his books. If only it was that easy... ;)

Nowadays I still shoot with Nikon DX DSLRs. However, I recently rediscovered a beauty of traditional photography and try to use my Zenit 12XP or Canon EOS3000 whenever I can. The next step I intend to make is to develop my first roll of film on my own. Also, I'm in love with old medium format cameras but I'm not bold enough yet to get one myself. ;)

I felt it's a good idea to join a worldwide community, where I could also brush up my language skills. I googled a bit, found TPF and here I am. ;)


Oh, and one of my first shots with a DSLR - Gdański Bridge in Warsaw. Nikon D5100, tripod, kit lens, some random camera settings and lots of excitement. ;)

Welcome aboard Luke!
Welcome to the forum, Luke! :) We have lots of film users here and a special forum just for questions and discussion about analog photography! Once you are ready to learn how to develop your own film, you can expect lots of support. We will have you ready to buy that MF camera before you know it! ;)

Keep posting, and enjoy the forum!
Welcome to the site.

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