

TPF Noob!
Jan 26, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello, I was searching for a photography forum today and this one really stood out to me. I feel like having a forum to turn to for both motivation and knowledge would be extremely helpful for me at this stage. I have a Nikon D90 with a pair of kit lenses (18-105mm and 70-300mm). This past summer I started learning the manual settings and figuring out when to change things so I feel like I have some experience really operating the camera. When I'm shooting it is normally of landscape/nature/my dog. My girlfriend had me try to take some portrait shots of her a couple of times, full body and face only, but I felt like that was much more challenging. I guess I had no idea how to really position her or myself to make it work out how I wanted.
I have no experience at post processing on my laptop. The only time I have really played with a photos saturation or contrast has been on instagram (don't think that counts?).
It's nice to meet all of you!
Thanks guys :). I went for a ride yesterday so I'll post some of the pictures and see what you all have to say!

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