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TPF Noob!
Mar 13, 2012
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Hey, a classmate and myself have been using the same darkroom for years with no problem... just yesterday she noticed a black line running through her negatives and when printing them it turned white.. It isnt a scratch, and it is not through out the whole roll of film... goes from 21-36.. Today while printing I came across the same exact problem.. anyone know what it is? how it got there? what to do to fix it? Thank You for any feed back..
Do you develop your own film in tanks or was this through an automated processor ?

Is this Colour or B&W ?
What film format (I assume 35mm as you are talking about frame 21-36) ?
Are you both using the same camera ?
we are developing it in tanks, it is b&w and 35mm, we are using different cameras.
Bulk rolled film ?

The line would have to be a scratch before developement ... as it turned dark.
she got her's from a local store and i ordered mine from B&H and i got a package of 10 and this is the only roll that did it, and only half way through.
When you said that you had the exact same problem, do you mean that the black line on your film also runs from frames 21-36?
Are you both using the same tank & reels for developing the film?
I'm not sure where her's were frame wise, but it was the same exact consistant line in the same place on the negatives its continuous through the film even in between the frames. theres no way to know if we used the same exact equipment their 15 tanks and about 40 reels that we use as needed and put back in a closet.
are you using a negatron negative holder? if so, there may be a piece of dust caught up in the device which is leave that scratch as you m ove the negative from frame to frame

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