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Flirtacious and Bodacious
Feb 5, 2004
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North Central Illinois
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You're all invited to Bace's box in the South Pole for his 3000 party!!!!! To get there, just go SOUTH til you get really cold. You'll know his box when ya see it. It's the cling wrapped one.

CONGRATS ON 3000!!!!!!


Now there's reason for celebration....
Congrats on the big 3K...... Peter! :)

:pokes Bace's limp body: Wow, he really might be dead. This means more beer to go around, though. :cheers:
A LOT more beer. Like...atleast 8.
terri said:
Congrats on the big 3K...... Peter! :)

:pokes Bace's limp body: Wow, he really might be dead. This means more beer to go around, though. :cheers:

I'll just have a Long Island Ice Tea, thank you.
Who's Bace?
core_17 said:
I'll just have a Long Island Ice Tea, thank you.
:puke: Corry, that stuff is nasty. How about a lovely chilled German reisling? Corinna can vouch for that, too.

Bace: dead men don't care who drinks up the beer. :mrgreen:
WOW! Who'd have thought Bace would one day get to 3,000? Or even 300? :lol:

Congratulations Chilled Raver! :thumbup:
terri said:
:puke: Corry, that stuff is nasty. How about a lovely chilled German reisling? Corinna can vouch for that, too.

Bace: dead men don't care who drinks up the beer. :mrgreen:

Is not! I had my first one in Baltimore this past week. I liked it! :P I'm not a big fan of alcoholic drinks that actually taste like *shudder* alchohol!
Then you'd really love a good reisling. :mrgreen: mmmMMMmmm....
hey congrats base........ and only half of them 3'000 were insults :lol: ...... good stuff man..... keep them threads coming. ;)
:headbang: Congrats Dude:headbang: 3000 posts and Im thinkin only 3 of those were picture posts. :lol: Way to go man!!
terri said:
Then you'd really love a good reisling. :mrgreen: mmmMMMmmm....

I can vouch too.. MmMMmM..

It's funny Mary (was just going with the theme (Peter, Paul and Mary....nevermind, I'm not funny))... three thousand posts and you're still no where nearer to even being considered being considered being considered being a mod. :greenpbl:

congrats on the 3K, bace... never a dull moment when you're around... :thumbup:
hobbes28 said:
I can vouch too.. MmMMmM..

It's funny Mary (was just going with the theme (Peter, Paul and Mary....nevermind, I'm not funny))... three thousand posts and you're still no where nearer to even being considered being considered being considered being a mod. :greenpbl:

Why you gotta rain on a mans parade like that?

You're all heartless. HEARTLESS I TELLS YA!

P.S. Thanks!!!

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