Hey everyone =)


TPF Noob!
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi everyone on UAE Photo, how you doing?

New member, got nothing better to do at this hour than surf the internet in the hope of finding such sites, and apparently I succeeded

My name is Omar, Palestinian dude, born and raised in the ever changing city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (Or what I prefer to call: DXB). Started with photography a year or two ago, and I hope that my time here will be beneficial to both you and I, looking forward to interact with you guys and learn a thing or two. Hopefully I will not only''take', but also give back to this community

If anyone is interested in checking out some of my so-called photography, feel more than welcome to do so by visiting following URLs: :sexywink:
DeviantArt: http://omardxb.deviantart.com/
Picasa: http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/omar.abuomar
I post my pictures every now and then on different places on the internet, so you might have come across some of them before :)

PEACE and be good guys!!!! :wink:
Hi Omar, welcome aboard.

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