High Mural

The Barbarian

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 14, 2005
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I like the wide angle, slightly destorted look to it. It adds to the kinda dystopian overall feel to the scene imo. Suits B+W too.

Some might feel a touch of keystoning is in order, I'm not neccessarily of that view. I very much like it as it is.
Yes. Particularly the right tower. The only way to get it all without a fisheye lens was to stitch several images together. Like you, I kinda like the distortion.
Yeah, I love that. Not everyones cuppa but I think that's great.
Very nice shots! I wouldn't mind living there, or somewhere around Baylor and Deep Ellum. Wife is not into that kind of living though. :)
I like the look of this one . I see Robert Johnson on the wall there.
Very nice shots! I wouldn't mind living there, or somewhere around Baylor and Deep Ellum. Wife is not into that kind of living though
Yes. Mrs. Barbarian did not accompany me on this one. She gets creeped out by guys sleeping in alleys, or homeless people in general. My experience is that almost all of them are decent people, who don't want to hurt or bother anyone. Life just dealt them a bad hand of some kind.

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