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Hey everybody, how's it going?

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eUgalde13 said:
Hey everybody, how's it going?

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Oops my bad, I thought I was in the chat room :/

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I hope this thread isn't locked. It can serve as a catch all.
... It is that newbies come here expecting to be seen as photographic prodigies, and when they realize that the work they put up isn't quite as good as they thought...
I'm not so sure that it's a case of assuming that they are photographic prodigies, but rather that they have no concept of how much there is to know, and that there's a LOT more to getting a top-notch image than just turning your brand-new, Best-Buy DSLR to 'Green box' mode and snapping away. I've been doing this for 30 years and I still learn something new almost every day.
Well said. That's why I think it's so amusing when people post "I just got my camera" and "I'm ready to go professional" in the same post. Some people honestly and truly have no idea how much there is to learn. As long as "Automatic" is available to them they are ready to go pro. I've only been around this forum a few weeks so I can only imagine how many "Pros" will show up a few days after Christmas.

I will DEF say that I WAS one of those NIAVE ones!!! and I thank everyone on this forum who opened my eyes up!! I had first come on to this forum with only taking a lot ofphotos never really studied photography! I was charging people to take photos! Key word WAS!!!! I now ask friends and friends of friends to photograph them so I am not just photographing my son! A friend of mine does weddings she lets me be her assitant so I can learn that way.

I thought my photos looked good and like soo so so many others of course your friendsa nd family tell you they look great! I LOVE to post photos here and like MTVision (/I think it was her who mentioned it) that this girl is damn lucky in WHO she gets CC from!! There are people here who I could name that I WISH and hope each time I post photos that they would cc me! Your lucky in who ARE commenting on what you post!

SLOW DOWN! I had posted a few posts and the CC i got back was SLOW DOWN!! And you know what once I did! I LEARNED so much more! Its not going to come at once and stop focusing so intently (sp) on one thing like focus! I can tell you that it annoys a lot of people! Change things up!

Thread of the month?!
I'm not so sure that it's a case of assuming that they are photographic prodigies, but rather that they have no concept of how much there is to know, and that there's a LOT more to getting a top-notch image than just turning your brand-new, Best-Buy DSLR to 'Green box' mode and snapping away. I've been doing this for 30 years and I still learn something new almost every day.
Well said. That's why I think it's so amusing when people post "I just got my camera" and "I'm ready to go professional" in the same post. Some people honestly and truly have no idea how much there is to learn. As long as "Automatic" is available to them they are ready to go pro. I've only been around this forum a few weeks so I can only imagine how many "Pros" will show up a few days after Christmas.

I will DEF say that I WAS one of those NIAVE ones!!! and I thank everyone on this forum who opened my eyes up!! I had first come on to this forum with only taking a lot ofphotos never really studied photography! I was charging people to take photos! Key word WAS!!!! I now ask friends and friends of friends to photograph them so I am not just photographing my son! A friend of mine does weddings she lets me be her assitant so I can learn that way.

I thought my photos looked good and like soo so so many others of course your friendsa nd family tell you they look great! I LOVE to post photos here and like MTVision (/I think it was her who mentioned it) that this girl is damn lucky in WHO she gets CC from!! There are people here who I could name that I WISH and hope each time I post photos that they would cc me! Your lucky in who ARE commenting on what you post!

SLOW DOWN! I had posted a few posts and the CC i got back was SLOW DOWN!! And you know what once I did! I LEARNED so much more! Its not going to come at once and stop focusing so intently (sp) on one thing like focus! I can tell you that it annoys a lot of people! Change things up!

Please stay on topic.
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