Hit me with your iPad/iPhone/Apple rants...

I don't like Apple products because they don't give you access to your own files. Th real reason I have nothing Apple though, is that I do not want iTunes slowing down my computer. I will admit though that their music player is much better than the one in my phone.

iOS gives you access to your own files.... but not in the old DOS/Unix way most people expect.

I hate iTunes... However, I dare you to show me an application that lets my manage the music on my wife/kids iPhones and iPads as easily. If my kids want new music on their phones i just have to click a few buttons and it gets installed over wifi. As soon as the kids walk in the house each day from school iTunes automatically backs up their phones over wifi. They (kids and wife) never have to plug their phones into a computer.

If i want to do the same thing on my Android phone i have to jump through hoops.. Its not as 'family friendly'.
1. Apple's closed ecosystem - So I understand why, they want you to experiance their vision of their product but for someone like me who likes to make choices and customise their system it's a big downside that you can't as easily as with PCs. I also don't like the idea of any company having that amount of control over my system, and the way it constrains developers.
So is Sony, Microsoft, Amazon, Nikon, Canon....

As a developer Apple offers me less 'constraints'.. I pay $99 a year and get full access to Apples development tools and supports. Apple gives its full development system (XCode) away for free. Microsoft charges $1.2k for a Visual Studio Pro + MSDN subscription (there is a cheaper $700 option but you don't get the full Visual Studio environment). Microsoft offers a free very cut-down version of Visual Studio Express. My company pays Microsoft close to six figures every year for the privilege of developing applications for their 'closed system'.

2. Compatibily issues - having to change filetypes can be a real pain, and if you don't catch the filetype choices on install it can take a while converting. Is also the simple things you do with android that aren't easily done in ios and you need to find workarounds for

Huh? why do you have to change file types? a file type is a file type...

3. Not upgradable unless you buy a whole new system - not really applicable to phone or tablets, but a major downside with a desktop

I'll give you this one... I'm not a big fan on how Apple has started 'embedding' the RAM onto the systems.

4. Attempts to "tie you in" to their products and services and makes switching - sure, nowadays it's not only apple that do this, but kinda like getting tied in to Canon or Nikkon. It's still really annoying and costly to switch.

See #1

5. Not a gaming rig - I mostly use my PC for gaming so for me it's a big deal. I want to be able to run the latest titles and get playable framerates. Apple are fine with apps like angry birds, not so much with the big titles like Crysis. Cost/performance is not good and in many cases pcs berform better for less cash as far as gaming is concerned. Also links in with upgradability.

If you are a gamer you want a PC.. (See #3) However, Apple has already taken over gaming. EA (Electronic Arts) made more money last year in the App store then it did in any other retail market. When was the last time you saw a Nintendo DS? While the PC/Xbox/PS will always be the domain of the hard-core gamers.... Apple is making people all the money. (Unless your Rockstar games :) )

Don't get me wrong, Apple are masters at brand building and their systems are very iconic. They are also great if you don't want to tinker with your rig and are happy with what Apple will provide. For me though it's just not a good option.

My main 'Mac' is a custom built i7 'rig' fully loaded... and i bought all the parts from Newegg.

Again... im not defending Apple.. Im just tyring to disprove some of the 'hater myths' :)
Locked BIOS and cheap components is the #1 reason not to use Apple. I don't think anyone building their own computer is using Foxconn motherboards but that's what all Apple computers use, absolute disposable. Apple use to use Mushkin (quality) RAM, I beleive it's all Hynix today. Stupidly expensive monitors, again not manufactured or built to Apple standards, these are either Sharp, LG, or Samsung these are the only 3 LCD manufactures that sell to outside vendors. Why not just purchase one of those brands to begin with? Those go's for NEC monitors as well, they don't manufacture the actual display.
Locked BIOS so no overclocking processor's or RAM, this is a huge free advantage of any home built system today. Intel encourages this now with unlocked processor's (K models) and is stupid easy, why not take advantage?

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