How do I get those effects?


TPF Noob!
Mar 11, 2010
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This photograph was taken by a Mexican photographer, this picture have really nice colors, like vintage or something, the sky have a great tonality, the detail of the plants is very good.
What kind of actions do you think I could use to get those nice effects?.

thank you for your answers :)
Simply add a yellow cast.

Notice how yellowish the clouds look and the buildings look.
if you have photo shop (even gimp), over lay colors and mess with blending modes and opacity :) also try erasing some areas with a soft eraser to remove the effect from what ever place you dont want it.
plug-in for gimp: LOMO. google "gimp registry'' and ''lomo''.

Actually It looks like cross proccesing picture, or lomo, but I tried to follow tutorials and I can´t get that contrast, or that quality the image have.
Im using Canon Rebel T1i, i dont know If that photograph have location lighting or something to make it better maybe that´s why i can´t get the same quality or maybe he took some photos with different exposures and enhance the quality by mixing them.

any ideas?
I´m new on this, and I really want to take a photo like that.
if you have photo shop (even gimp), over lay colors and mess with blending modes and opacity :) also try erasing some areas with a soft eraser to remove the effect from what ever place you dont want it.

There is so much to learn in Photoshop. I have never even thought of applying a tint layer and the lessening the opacity.
i understand. in fact, in the above screenshot - i'd turn off a lot of those parameters anyway. and within the layers control window i'd also manual adjust/reduce some of the seperate layers too. the default LOMO look applied by the script is a bit too harsh and crude for my tastes. but used minimally it can be a nice enhancement.
i have an app on my g1 phone which simulates a polaroid camera and produces an effect like this...
Look up split-tone mapping and try messing with the different color channels in Curves ;). Experimentation will do loads for you.

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