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How important is a GOOD monitor ?


TPF Noob!
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I am a new wedding photographer, this year I will do + 20 weddings. I have a nice fast computer for photo editing but useing a 24" ViewSonic HD LED screen that cost me $200.
The photos look decent on the screen but I am wondering how important it is for me to go and buy a $1200 plus IPS panel. I do not do any printing at home.
Is this one of those "no brainers" and I should just go and buy a proper monitor ???
I would think that if you are going to do this professionally you would want the best monitor you could afford.
Correct color is everything. Some people can achieve that with less than the most expensive monitor.
I bought the best monitor I could afford.
This is not an area for scrimping.
It depends, do you know how to edit using your RGB #'s? Have you had issues with your prints not coming out how you thought they would?
Basically you want your screen to match your prints. If your current monitor isn't doing that, then you might want to upgrade.
Gods.. not another one! :grumpy:

as a PRO.. not only should you have a decent monitor.. but you should calibrate too.. that is C A L I B R A T E.. just in case you need help with the spelling! Somehow, I am just positive that you are familiar with Craigslist... so you can probably find a monitor there! :0
as a pro wedding shooter you should already know what equipment is needed, and advising the rest of us on this forum.
I read the OP as they'll be a second shooter or something with one of those "rent a photographer" companies. Hence why the monitor ? didn't really bug.
Exactly what 2Wheel said!! Hey, that is a good idea!!

MrPenguin: Maybe you can help me with a problem I have.. I am shooting a wedding next week! I need to know what to do .. the bride is a very fair (almost albino) lady.. and the groom is African American, and very very DARK! He will be wearing a white tux.. and she is wearing a black wedding dress. I don't know how to expose for this situation... The engagment shots were terrible..

can you advise me, please?
I read the OP as they'll be a second shooter or something with one of those "rent a photographer" companies. Hence why the monitor ? didn't really bug.

Since when does a 2nd shooter do their own PP.. usually they hand the shots over to the primary?????
I do calibrate my current monitor using a Spider 3 pro ......... the prints I have made does look good to me. I know getting the best monitor is probably a good idea, I have never worked on a Professional ips panel before so I am just kinda worried that the difference in my eyes wont be worth the extra $1000
So you guys are telling me ALL of you posting here all own an IPS monitor costing you around $1500 and up ??????????????????
I read the OP as they'll be a second shooter or something with one of those "rent a photographer" companies. Hence why the monitor ? didn't really bug.

Since when does a 2nd shooter do their own PP.. usually they hand the shots over to the primary?????

I think it depends on the arrangement you have. Who knows.
So you guys are telling me ALL of you posting here all own an IPS monitor costing you around $1500 and up ??????????????????

Not all of us here are pros. I use a macbook. I will probably always use a macbook. I think they just don't know why if you're a pro with every 2 shoots a month booked, you don't know if you need a better monitor. I'm on the side of, if its not broke, don't fix it.
So you guys are telling me ALL of you posting here all own an IPS monitor costing you around $1500 and up ??????????????????

Dell Ultrasharps are IPS.. and not that bad.. I have the U3011.... about $1300.00 :)

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