How To Behave On An Internet Forum

Nothing against teenagers, but people who CAN'T SPELL and don't understand rules of proper grammar, such as capitalizing the first letter of a sentence, "I," and when to use punctuation (like at the end of a sentence, not the end of a 20-line paragraph). Anyone remember the beginning of the book Flowers for Algernon?

**derails thread** YES! (<-all caps) I love that story! I'm glad someone else has heard of it!
Step 3: Fanboys

Approximately 99.9% of all online forums are based around videogames. Sadly, there are several members of the videogame community who have such an overly-fanatical devotion to their particular console that they're somehow incapable of admitting any other system might have good features too. They're best ignored, because &#8216;Fanboys' are basically a special subset of &#8216;Troll', and as such are all Nazis and/ or Hitler.

Um, Multiple things wrong with this......

Fanboyism is not exclusive videogame consoles. some exapmles include the animes Naruto, Pokemon and Death Note, the Auto motive industry and the ever locally present Canon/Nikon

Fanboys can also have some real input provided their location.

Trust me, I deal with the little bastards all the time.
This was so great I had to use it on another forum!! LOL

Just to show people I'm not all about post counts and that I can add something to a forum! :D
I heard otters and penguins always cause trouble
oh, and i am not anonymous at all.. that means I am just as bad in real life as i am on TPF ....
I heard otters and penguins always cause trouble
Hah, you heard wrong, buddy! At least about the penguins. Shy, hardworking, faithful little avians that they are. They have im-peck-able internet manners.
Can we add, "Don't be Stupid?" Please? This month's TPF Contest thread has been riddled with people asking questions, the answers to which are posted right there in the rules at the beginning, or asking questions that don't show common sense.
You made my ears burn there.

I was just going to say to monkeykoder, I'm not the post whore... Hertz is!!:lmao::lol:

Can we add, "Don't be Stupid?" Please? This month's TPF Contest thread has been riddled with people asking questions, the answers to which are posted right there in the rules at the beginning, or asking questions that don't show common sense.

I agree, but that wouldn't be very polite. Because some people don't know they are stupid..
I only said that to save a lady's blushes (or at least a very good female impersonator's) . Of course we both know who the real post whore is ;)

Believe me, I so am not a female impersonator. But thank you for trying to save me from blushing.. That was so sweet.. Wait... Is this a Hertz impersonator?!

And yeah the post whore, is......*drum roll please*............


FORUMZ T3H ROXORzzz lol lol lol

Edit: Wow, even I, a teenager, couldn't let my post be so mindless. So, to add something to this thread, I'd like to say that the video was quite humorous, and it reminded me of the people I see on a video game forum I used to regularly visit. And the whole 'nazi' thing, I can't say I've ever experienced, even on the video game forum. But the troll comments are completely true to life HAHA, there were a lot of trolls on that forum, not so much here. Oh, and by the way, in case anyone has ever wondered, I capitalize "HAHA" because that is the accepted spelling of it on Mac OS X, and I have a serious issue with spelling things wrong. OCD much?
Oh, and by the way, in case anyone has ever wondered, I capitalize "HAHA" because that is the accepted spelling of it on Mac OS X, and I have a serious issue with spelling things wrong. OCD much?

It's not that it's the correct spelling, it's that, usually, spell-checkers ignore anything that's capitalized unless specifically told to check that word. So making "haha" all caps will cause it to not check it. Just do a simple test: It thinks that "asdf" is spelled wrong, but "ASDF" is spelled correctly. My understanding is that this is to avoid underlining every acronym.

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