Work for a newspaper or tv station
In case you have not noticed every body with a camera phone is a photographer
To earn a living at it, v hard. The public will see an effect and expect you to do that for them.
And oh so many other problems.
As someone said have enough money to live off whilst getting started for a few years or have a job that pays the bills and the photography is the extra, that you don’t need to rely on.
And when pricing up form experience
1. work what it is really going to cost, include everything, tax insurance as well then add profits
2. Watch the cost of what you use and the price trends. No good quoting one price and finding that the materials have doubled since you last looked.
3. Make a not of what you are making a hour,day,week, month after all your expenses.
A price may seem great until you break it down after expenses and find that you have made minimal amount or that job has actually cost you money.
4 keep an eye on laws , restrictions and trends. It’s no good going to a location for a shoot only to find that a notice saying ..No commercial photography allowed.
5 having worked out your pricing ask this.. will your intended customers be willing to pay your prices.
6 are you looking at a limited market, how big is your customer base.
7 how much can you diversify your product, photos, t shirts, post cards,
8 are you able to do what is required, level of skill, kit required, and your physical to stand all day then work late into the night to meet customer dead line.
As you have probably worked out it’s not going to be easy, but I wish you all the best