How to resize for Instagram


TPF Supporters
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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
A friend wants to sell some fountain pens on Instagram, and I took some photos with my iPhone 15 pro and we are happy with them. The problem is they are about 1.3 MB, and she tells me Instagram wants no more than 2K, or 1080 x 1080. I don't see a way to reduce the file size that much and still have a usable image. Is there a simple solution. We are only dealing with 9 photos.
Thanks in advance!
99.99% of editing apps can resize an image.
You don't resize it and save it. You resize it and save it under a different filename. This preserves your original image.
There is a setting in Instagram that lets you share an image without having to change the image dimensions or size. I'm not sure where the setting is set, but I upload images all the time without resizing or changing the dimensions of the image, but that is on the iPhone and Android may be different. For example, I shared my Cayman Rooster image, which is 4396x3371 and it uploaded into Instagram without chopping it into a square image.
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There is a setting in Instagram that lets you share an image without having to change the image dimensions or size. I'm not sure where the setting is set, but I upload images all the time without resizing or changing the dimensions of the image, but that is on the iPhone and Android may be different. For example, I shared my Cayman Rooster image, which is 4396x3371 and it uploaded into Instagram without chopping it into a square image.
Thanks Jeff! I’ll pass this on to my friend and she should be able to find it.

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