Hunting Camp


TPF Noob!
Mar 18, 2008
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Just a couple images I got yesterday out at my father-in-laws hunting camp. I know the fence pics are over done, but the over done photos helps me learn when I try to recreate them. Any critique appreciated!


I really like the subject. I would like to be able to read the sign and be able to easily see the 'moon' to ID the small building. Probably you can on a bigger pic with higher resolution. Is there more off to the left that you could include to 'un-center' the cabin?

In the second, both the road and the fence converge nicely to lead me off to the distance - now if there was just something there it would be perfect. I see nothing "over done", but the focus point seems real close.

Both go well in B&W. Looks like a great place to spend some time.
Thanks for the great comments oldclicker. The first pic, if I included more to the left the DirectTv dish wouldve been in view and I wanted the outhouse int he pic too. If I included more of the right then there wouldve been nothing but brush. I need to work on not centering the subjects too, I do it a lot!

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